As we gear up for Big Night: Crescendo on Friday, February 21, we’re celebrating the journeys of growth our students go on, the mentors who guide them along their path, and the growing impact of our students’ artistry, voices, and achievements.
We asked our students how The People’s Music School has contributed to their growth – both as musicians, and as people. Read some of their responses below!

“The music program has let me be the best vocalist I can be and set me to my fullest potential and highest standards. Without TPMS, I wouldn’t be the confident singer I am today.”
-Tylah M., Age 11, Voice, Greater South Side

“Over the past year of working with Melanie, her self-esteem has grown, and alongside that her commitment to the violin. When she doesn’t understand a concept, she is not afraid to ask a question- and that often benefits the entire violin section. She shows up consistently and works hard musically. She is a leader in her section, and her overall musicality and skills on the violin have beautifully improved. She is now a more confident violin player with a greater sense of self- esteem. I’m so proud of her growth!”
– Rachael Botz, BOTY violin teaching artist

“TPMS me enseño que aunque haces equivocaciones siempre te van a respetar 7 enseñar cosas nuevas.”
– Brandon L., Age 17, Cello, SLAM

“TPMS showed me what it’s like to improve a lot in very little time. It has also helped me connect with other passionate musicians, and the amount of hard work in the environment is very rewarding.”
– Joaquin C., Age 15, Violin, SLAM

“Sophia is a dedicated and consistent student. It’s been incredible to see her progress as a young bassist in my time at TPMS. One of my favorite things about her as a student is she is never afraid of challenge and always jumps right in when learning new skills on her instrument. She works hard at the double bass and it shows in her playing!”
-Christopher Dammann, BOTY Double Bass Teaching Artist

“I used to be really anxious, but over time I became a “yes-and” thinker. TPMS has helped me become confident and outgoing.”
– Tamara G., Age 16, Clarinet, SLAM

“Joshua’s skills in music are a perfect example of how consistent, focused work over time really does pay off. It seems like every week he is able to do something new and impressive beyond my expectations, and over the years this has entirely transformed him as a musician.”
– Michael Thompson, GSS Clarinet Teaching Artist

“The People’s Music School has helped me grow to be a better musician. I was never into music until I came to TPMS in 7th grade. I really enjoy playing the clarinet and being a musician. I listen to more classical music and analyze it and enjoy it.”
– Morgan H., Age 17, Clarinet, SLAM

“The People’s Music School me ha ayudado a convertirme en una música que nunca pensé que fuera. The People’s Music School me ha ayudado a crecer mi confianza en mí misma y me ha abierto la oportunidad de encontrar mi propio éxito. Estoy muy agradecida por el programa porque a través de él yo conseguí nuevas amistades. The People’s music School tambien me ayudo a poder entender música, que es algo que nunca me creía capaz.”
– Alexa V., Flute, Age 12, Albany Park

“Through The People’s Music School, I’ve become a better musician, more confident, I’ve learned to solo and improvise, and I’ve become more inspired to write my own songs. It’s shown me how practice turns into success.”
– Mannix B., Age 17, Cello, SLAM

“The People’s Music School has made my attention or ability to not distract myself better because I can get distracted very easily. This school helped me with that because a lot of my work or lessons are something that I need to pay a lot of attention to. I pushed myself to listen more and it helped a little bit more at school.”
– Santiago J., Age 12, Oboe, Uptown Academy

“The People’s Music School has helped me embrace my love for music by giving me the opportunity to learn how to play. I’ve met new people and get to socialize more.”
– Titomi A., Age 13, French Horn, Uptown Academy