At The People’s Music School, we know a thing or two about realizing big dreams. As we gear up for Big Night, Bigger Dreams on February 8, we asked our students what their biggest dreams are, and how TPMS helps them achieve them. Read some of our students’ responses below.

"The People’s Music School helps me achieve my dreams by giving me a chance to learn new things, which will be beneficial to my future of learning."
“I dreamed when I was younger to be in a band and play an instrument. It may sound basic, but I loved music as a child and continued to love it as I grew up. As of now, The People’s Music School has let me achieve my dream of playing in a band.”
– Stephanie, Oboe, Back of The Yards

"The People’s Music School helps me achieve my dreams by helping me become a better sax player!"
“I dreamed of playing the saxophone. I achieved this dream by going to The People’s Music School. TPMS helped me become a better saxophone player and a better person, too! After I started playing the saxophone, I felt amazed that something like this was even possible for me. Thank you for helping me accomplish my dreams, TPMS!”
– Titobioluwa, Saxophone, SLAM at Greater South Side

"The People’s Music School helps me achieve my dreams by teaching me and growing my love for music. There’s never a day I feel bleak with music on my side."
“As a human I have many dreams that I aspire to accomplish. One of which is to become a better percussionist. Luckily I have people that support and cheer me on my journey. One of those wonderful people is Mr. Simon, who is my awesome percussion teacher. Then there is Felix Ponce, my cool band teacher, always challenging me and helping me progress. Another teacher is Ms. Megan, one of my band teachers and an awesome theory teacher. Last but not least my parent who supports me and brings me to music school. The day I get to my goal I’ll feel accomplished and glad that I never gave up.”
– Camila, Percussion, SLAM at Uptown Academy

"The People’s Music School me ayuda a lograr mis sueños al estudiar. Ya practico mi violín y sé que es mucho trabajo pero si lo quiero hacer."
“Mi sueño que quiero completar es ser una maestra y yo quiero ayudar a los niños y niñas para aprender. Mi mamá puede ayudarme a aprender más para que yo pueda ser una maestra. Porque mi maestra de hibbard se llama Miss Jimenez y ella me enseña y toma su tiempo. Por eso, yo quiero ser maestra.”
– Ashley, Violin, Albany Park

"The People’s Music School helps me achieve my dreams by having teachers that are invested in you and your progress."
“I dream of performing on stage because it scares me. But I know I have to do it at some point. To achieve this, I can keep going to The People’s Music School and audition for school plays and musicals. I have this dream because I have always been jealous of people who can perform on stage without getting nervous, and I wanted to do it, too.”
– Ruby, Voice, Greater South Side

"The People’s Music School helps me achieve my dreams by giving me a chance to shine."
“I dreamed of playing in a concert. All the people who helped me were the whole People’s Music School. They helped me find my instrument and play in a concert. It makes me feel like I accomplished a lot.”
– Aleena, Euphonium, Greater South Side

"The People’s Music School helps me achieve my dreams by continuing to have music classes so I can keep practicing my viola."
“The dream I would like to accomplish is become a singer. At home, we speak Spanish and my mom can help me learn more Spanish songs. My brother Jacob plays the bass at People’s and can help me sing in English. Mr. Felipe is a big inspiration and I want to sing at my own concert eventually.”
– Emily, Viola and Aspiring Singer, Albany Park

"The People’s Music School helps me achieve my dreams by teaching me how to perform in front of a crowd and helping me with my music."
“My dream is to be a dancer. My ballet teacher and music teacher helped me, and afterwards, I felt happy and fulfilled. Something I will do to achieve my dream is I will practice every day and listen to different songs. I will have this dream because I love doing it and it makes me happy.”
– Tami, Clarinet, Uptown Academy

"The People’s Music School helps me achieve my dreams by helping me stay on schedule and have goals."
“I hope to achieve success in sports. I do a lot of sports but I mainly focus on running and swimming. I really wanted to win state in the 200 IM.”
– Dimitar, Piano, Uptown Academy

"The People’s Music School helps me achieve my dreams by helping me not be afraid to go on stage and helping me stand up for myself."
“I dream of playing the trumpet. I think that I will practice as much as I can. I have this dream because it is fun to try new instruments. I think my tio Pow Pow will help me because he knows how to play.”
– Emma, Flute and Aspiring Trumpeter, Back of the Yards

"The People’s Music School helps me achieve my dreams by giving me an instrument to practice."
“My dream was to play the clarinet. Mr. Jack helps me achieve this. I hope my dream inspires my brother.”
– Ivan, Clarinet, Back of the Yards