
COVID-19 Information & Protocols

Last Updated: Fall 2022

Covid-19 Information: As we continue the 2021-22 school year, we are excited and hopeful about welcoming students, families and our staff back for in-person activities at our facilities.  We believe in-person instruction and learning is vital to our student’s growth and learning.  The health and safety of our community also remains our top priority.  In preparation for the return to in-person learning, TPMS has invested several thousand dollars in upgrades to our Uptown Academy building, including the installation of new air ventilation units, and we will continue to have additional mitigation measures and health and safety protocols in place at all of our sites (below), including but not limited to:

  1. All TPMS and CPS faculty/staff must be vaccinated and receive the Covid-19 booster. 

  2. All in-person family volunteers must be vaccinated.

  3. While we are not currently requiring students to be vaccinated (consistent with CPS), we have provided incentives to families to get their child vaccinated.

  4. Air purification devices have been provided in all teaching spaces.

  5. Social distancing guidelines for all in-person classes are being implemented, including increased distance required for all wind, brass, and voice students/faculty.

  6. Masking for all adults and students will be required for the duration of time they are at program sites. This includes providing wind, brass, and voice students with specialized masks and bell covers that must be used when performing to reduce the spread of aerosols.

  7. All faculty will be provided with N95 masks.  

  8. Sanitization products (e.g. hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes) and PPE will be available at all sites; all community members will be trained before in-person classes begin.

  9. Our facility will be professionally cleaned and sanitized nightly.

  10. Reduced class sizes to ensure distancing can be observed within the constraints of each classroom.

  11. Contract tracing will be completed to inform and quarantine students/classes in the event that we become aware of any positive cases in our community.

We are also implementing several protocols and guidelines that all families will be expected to follow and implement, which are based on CDC and local public health agency guidelines:  

  1. If a student is healthy and showing no signs or symptoms of Covid-19 or any other sickness, that student will be expected to attend in-person instruction at the assigned TPMS facility.

  1. Parents/guardians and students will follow all building health and safety protocols, including completing sign-in sheets if requested, wearing a mask at all times, and frequent hand-washing and sanitizing.  

  1. If a student needs to be absent for any reason, the parent/guardian will notify their teacher and site Program Manager of the absence whether it is due to Covid-19, general sickness or any other reason.

  1. If a student is showing any signs or symptoms of Covid-19 or any other sickness, the parent/guardian will immediately notify their teacher and keep the student at home.  If possible, the student will continue to participate in class through Zoom if they are feeling well enough.

  1. If a student tests positive for Covid-19, the parent/guardian will immediately notify the school (specifically the teacher and site Program Manager) and provide details on when and for how long the student was at a TPMS facility and when they received a positive test result. 

  1. If a student tests positive for Covid-19, the parent/guardian will isolate the student in line with the most up to date medical guidance, and the student will need to be isolated for a minimum of 10 days from the start of symptoms or after receiving a positive test (whichever comes first). Students may return to school after that time if asymptomatic or if fever-free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours. 

  1. If a student attended class at one of our sites and tests positive for Covid-19, students that are considered close contacts (within 6 feet  to a person who has COVID-19 for 15 minutes or longer in a 24 hour period while they were infectious) will need to quarantine.  No quarantine will be required if (a) both the “infected”  student and “non-infected” student were wearing properly fitting masks and at least 3 feet away from each other, (b) if the “non-infected” student is fully vaccinated, or (c) if the “non-infected” student tested positive for Covid-19 within the last 90 days.

  1. Parents/guardians will not come inside the building unless they are there for approved service hours or otherwise asked to do so by TPMS staff.

Covid-19 FAQs for Families 

The student should not come to school, and you should notify your Program Manager why your child is absent.  The student will be provided a Zoom link so that they can still participate in class.  

Your child will be removed from the class and isolated until you pick them up.  We will immediately contact you to pick them up from school.  

If a student or faculty tests positive for Covid-19, they will need to be isolated for a minimum of 10 days from the start of symptoms or after receiving a positive test (whichever comes first). Students may return to school after that time if asymptomatic or if fever-free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours. 

You will receive an email notice that there has been a positive Covid-19 test in the school.  Unless you receive notice that your child was a “close contact”, you can assume that your child was not exposed to the infected student.  

If a student attended class at one of our sites and tests positive for Covid-19, students that are considered close contacts (within 6 feet  to a person who has COVID-19 for 15 minutes or longer in a 24 hour period while they were infectious) will need to quarantine.  No quarantine will be required if (a) both the “infected”  student and “non-infected” student were wearing properly fitting masks and at least 3 feet away from each other, (b) if the “non-infected” student is fully vaccinated, or (c) if the “non-infected” student tested positive for Covid-19 within the last 90 days.

They can return after a 10-day quarantine as long as they remained symptom free during the period.   

Given the current risk of Covid-19, no parents/guardians will be allowed inside the buildings unless they are there for approved service hours.

Questions? Contact info@peoplesmusicschool.org.
