
October Newsletter: Our Homework for the Year…

People's Music School Newsletter - Memories of Rita

“Music is a gift, and we will keep passing it on.”
TPMS Student Emily G.


The new school year is officially underway! And yes, it does look a tad different from what we’re used to. Although we still mourn the loss of our fierce founder Rita Simó, as we remember her spirit, we find even more inspiration to move forward boldly into the school year. With your support, we will serve 850+ students this year, delivering our best-in-class curriculum across 50+ zip codes in Chicago. And we won’t stop there.

Help us relieve our waiting lists

People's Music School Newsletter - EPA Map

Introducing Our First National Pilot Expansion


This year we’re thrilled to pass the gift of music across the country – from the heart of Chicago all the way to the Ravenswood School District of East Palo Alto, California! As we focus on growing our after-school programs in Chicago, we’ll also look to reinforce the wider teaching community by sharing curriculum development work, learning and teaching practices, and organization successes with the Ravenswood faculty and district partners. More to come here!

People's Music School Newsletter - Student Tribute


Students Remember Rita

Our summer interns recently recorded a series of videos to honor the world Rita fought for, and the legacy she has left behind. We’ll be sharing their message on our social media these next few weeks. Watch on Facebook >

People's Music School Newsletter - Donated Instruments



That’s the total number of instruments donated since the start of the semester! Collected by TPMS friends, family members and several Boy Scout troops, these instruments will now find a new home with our students. Thank you for passing on the gift of music.

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